Let’s Pause for a Moment: Shuffle Breaker Dev Blog

27 05 2014

While I’m still working on stuff in addition to Shuffle Breaker, I’d be remiss to point out that after my second dev vlog video I decided to go and add a pause function (complete with menu) to Shuffle Breaker. It looks like this

Pause Screen

That’s uh…that’s about it really. Gonna be adding some difficulty options and we’ll see how that goes in due timeĀ  I hope.

Advancing to Faster than Light

13 05 2014

So I know I’ve been super quiet again, things have gotten busy with real life which has given me some trouble with working on Shuffle Breaker recently, apart from the video blog i put up a few days ago. But rest assured I am still working on it.

Also taking up my time recently… FTL: Faster Than Light had its Advanced Edition DLC come out earlier this month (for free, even!). FTL was one of my favorite games to play in 2012 and while initially I was a bit burnt out on it, a couple of my friends talking up the new features of Advanced Edition convinced me to dive back in and now I wonder why I ever left. All of the new features are pretty awesome.

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I hope you like less text, Shuffle Breaker Dev Vlog #1

7 05 2014

So yeah, I finally got off my butt and made a vlog of the stuff I’ve been doing to Shuffle Breaker recently. Check it out:

Will it Blender? – From Pixels to Polys

6 05 2014

So in between working on Shuffle Breaker and playing stuff like AC IV: Black Flag, Dark Souls II, and Mario Golf World Tour, I’ve also been diving back into making more complex things with Blender. I decided as a challenge to myself, to take the Golden Jackal ship from my Ablation prototype, and turn it into an actual ship.

If you don’t remember, the Golden Jackal looks like this:


Before I could make it 3D though, I decided to revise the design, and get rid of the side-mounted engine pylons in favor of something mounted in the back of the fuselage.



And then using this as a template, I went to work, and here’s what I’ve got so far.

3D Gold Jackal Draft

Granted it’s not done, I sorta left out the wing pylons on the end and I’m not sure I’m going to put them back in, but not bad for about 5-6 hours of cumulative work. Hopefully the UV mapping goes as smoothly.